Saturday, May 20, 2006

Whant to be a Motivational Speaker?

Would you like to me a motivational speaker?
The reason I asked this question is because lately my site has been flooded by an avalanche of want-to-be motivational speakers. That's great news!

You see, contrary to might you might think, it's not hard to be a motivational speaker at all. You just have to print some business card and put Motivational Speaker in your title. Isn't that exciting?

When you find out how I actually became a highly paid motivational speaker, it would blow you mind. Or you would touch chest and say, "If he can do it, so can I." Actually, there's some truth to what I said about the business card. But there's a lot more involved.

Keep coming back. I know I will be posting about this topic more. I will definitely tell the real secret on how to become a paid motivational speaker.

Press on!


Press On!

Yes! My message remains the same. And it is - Press On! Too many people give up too soon on their dream. I don't know you. But you and I may have something in common. In fact, I am certain we do.

We want more out of life. Everyday we think of ways to improve our situation. If this is not the case for you, then you are dead. You see, even if you are operating on 0.2% of your brain - trust me, some people are - you still want more every day.

And so, I beg you to never give up on your wanting more. I also beg you to press on! It's not going to happen over night! Yes, you might say, "well, it's been a long time." I know. But stay with it. Your breakthrough may be closer than you are imagining.

If you happen to arrive here by accident, let me tell you that there's no accident here. You were meant to hear this today.

Press on!
