Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Christian Speaker

Just for the records, I am a Christian speaker. Of course I don't preach when I am on the platform. After all, I get paid big money to boost morale in the corporate arena. I am sure the person writing the check would not appreciate me having church in their organization.

But what I mostly want to say is that I respect everyone's faith. Although it would be of great concerns to me if your belief is destructive to you and those around you. We are not here to make life miserable to anyone. Our job is to leave this place knowing we have made a positive contribution in other people's lives.

As a christian motivational speaker, I believe me must have compassion and humility. Those are the great characteristics of Christ. And so, I don't want to condemn anyone nor do I want anyone to condemn me. I don't want to appolize for my faith either.

It obvious no matter what our views are when it comes to religion, we inevitable will offend someone. I am sure someone will happen to come accross this and feel insulted. But intention is everything. It's not in my nature to offend others.

There you have it my friend. I just answer the question so many from all over are asking me. I am a Christian. And I aim to love all people regardless of their faith, backgrounds and color. Everyone has some basic goodness in him or her. Our first premise should always be to tap into that basic goodness.

Press on!

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