If you won the lottery today, would you change? I bet yourfirst response is, "No!" Well, think again. Even if youdon't intend to, there are jealous people in your circleright now who will force you to change. And believe me,some of them are your so-called friends.
Forget about the lottery for a moment. Did you know thatpeople can be jealous of you just because you dress nicely,because you are ambitious, because you got a promotion,because you do your job well, or even because your beamingsmile makes you popular? I can see some heads nodding "yes."
So, be aware there are some jealous people in your circle.Some are obvious, and others fake it well. Another thingyou might want to consider is that there are people whowill cheer you up as long you are at their level. Themoment you start climbing the ladder of success, whether itbe financially or professionally, they start resenting you.
Am I saying money will change you? Not really. But it doeschange the way others see you. And that, my friend, willcause you to not be yourself.
Let me explain...
Once your status changes, some of your friends will becomesensitive to what you say. You will inevitably andharmlessly ruffle some feathers by your comments. You mightnaively say to a friend, "Why didn't you get a car withleather seats? I don't like cloth seats."
Well, your friend might process your innocent comment andsay something like this, "now that she has money, shedoesn't like cloth seats. She makes me sick!" Before youknow it, someone starts spreading the word and smearingyour name. But what's so hurtful about it is that theynever repeat exactly what you said. I guarantee you...theywill stretch it and say it with a totally different spin.
I am telling you, jealous people are sick. They are playerhaters. And many of them are fakers (oops! Another Fword!). In your face, they kiss you all over. But once youwalk away, the back stabbing starts. That causes you tostart watching what you say. As a result, you are not yournatural self anymore.
Do you see how it's possible you might change if you wonthe lottery? Yep, hypocrites and jealous people can have adevastating effect on you.
Here are 5 strategies to help deal with them effectively: click to here
Rene Godefroy is the Award-winning author of No Condition is Permanent. He rose from extreme poverty and diseases in a tiny village in Haiti to being of the most elecrifying motivational speakers in America. In 1983 he arrived in the US with $5 dollars and unable to speak anyEnglish. Today he is living the American dream. http://www.noconditionispermanent.com