Sunday, March 13, 2005

How To Get Others To Remember You For A Lifetime

Have you ever met people who were so mean that you hated being around them? I bet if I ask you to think of people who really made you feel good in the past, you would immediately come up with some names.

Well, if I ask you to remember people who have hurt your feeling in the past, you'd be just as fast to come up with some names. I bet it woul be even easier for you to remember those people.

My question to you is this: Do you know why you can remember thoses names? It's because ten years from now, others will not remember what you said or did. But they WILL remember how you made them feel. We instinctively remember feelings.

Our feelings are very fragile and important to us. Unfortunately, there are those out there who feel good by making others feel bad. So, I'm challenging you to get into the habit of making others feel.

If you want to be memorable or be a part of someone's life forever, make them feel good. If you want it to be the other way around, it's your choice.