Wednesday, November 15, 2006

You may be going here and there based

If that decision was your own, congratulations! If not, let me say that you are not living a congruent life. You may be going here and there based on other people's opinion. It's time to reconsider the way you decide.

Life Should Be Lived Inside Out

If that decision was your own, congratulations! If not, let me say that you are not living a congruent life. You may be going here and there based on other people's opinion. It's time to reconsider the way you decide.

Life should be lived from inside out. Don't let people pull your strings. Basically, you need to monitor your feelings. Let them come from your heart.

Don't let people pull your strings

If that decision was your own, congratulations! If not, let me say that you are not living a congruent life. You may be going here and there based on other people's opinion. It's time to reconsider the way you decide.

Life should be lived from inside out. Don't let people pull your strings. Basically, you need to monitor your feelings. Let them come from your heart.

Do Your Best to Live Life Inside Out

When was the last time you made a decision and you felt really good about it?

Did you make that decision because someone influenced you or it was from your gut?

If that decision was your own, congratulations! If not, let me say that you are not living a congruent life. You may be going here and there based on other people's opinion. It's time to reconsider the way you decide.

Life should be lived from inside out. Don't let people pull your strings. Basically, you need to monitor your feelings. Let them come from your heart.

Press on!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Stop Chasing Success - Do This Instead

Let me make this very short.
Success is about getting what you want. But meaning is about adding value. Success requires that you struggle hard without any guarantee that you will amass a fortune. It's possible, but it's very hard.
On the other hand, when you lose yourself in creating incredible value for others, wealth is inevitable. Simply put, shift your focus from making money to honestly helping others. Give when it is least expected. Do good and serve.
Trust me on this, if you heed the above advice, your bank account will sky rocket in no time. The question should not be "how can I make money?" But rather "how can I add value?"
Continued success my friend!
Press on!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

What Are You Afraid of?

I know this question is kind of vague. But I also know that deep down inside you are afraid of something. You see, if you weren't, you would already attract what you want.

Now, it's up to you to answer this question yourself. In fact, do yourself a favor. Write it down. There's magic in writing down your stumbling block. It is as though pen and papper can make that stumbling block disappear.

I highly encourage you to write down whatever it is that you are afraid of. Here's what you must do with that paper after you write it down. BURN it!!! Yes, burn it with rage and shout this over the smoke, "Go away! I am no longer afraid! I can do it! I can do it! I can do it. Yes, I can!"

In my book, I give explicit details on how to really to this excercise. But if you just do what you are reading here, you will notice a significant difference in your life. I promise.

Of course you are going to think this is kind of corny. And probably that's one of your issues. You may be too quick to dismiss what could make a significant difference in your life.

I know you might think this is the motivational speaker in me. Trust me, it has nothing to do with being a motivational speaker.

Go ahead and try it.

I can do it! Yes, I can!

Press on!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Whant to be a Motivational Speaker?

Would you like to me a motivational speaker?
The reason I asked this question is because lately my site has been flooded by an avalanche of want-to-be motivational speakers. That's great news!

You see, contrary to might you might think, it's not hard to be a motivational speaker at all. You just have to print some business card and put Motivational Speaker in your title. Isn't that exciting?

When you find out how I actually became a highly paid motivational speaker, it would blow you mind. Or you would touch chest and say, "If he can do it, so can I." Actually, there's some truth to what I said about the business card. But there's a lot more involved.

Keep coming back. I know I will be posting about this topic more. I will definitely tell the real secret on how to become a paid motivational speaker.

Press on!


Press On!

Yes! My message remains the same. And it is - Press On! Too many people give up too soon on their dream. I don't know you. But you and I may have something in common. In fact, I am certain we do.

We want more out of life. Everyday we think of ways to improve our situation. If this is not the case for you, then you are dead. You see, even if you are operating on 0.2% of your brain - trust me, some people are - you still want more every day.

And so, I beg you to never give up on your wanting more. I also beg you to press on! It's not going to happen over night! Yes, you might say, "well, it's been a long time." I know. But stay with it. Your breakthrough may be closer than you are imagining.

If you happen to arrive here by accident, let me tell you that there's no accident here. You were meant to hear this today.

Press on!


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Focus is Very Critical to Success

One of the most critical elements to success is focus. Now you and I know that we can be good at many things. But good is not the way to success. We have to be excellent or superb! And we have to finish what we started!

And so, I want to encourage you to focus on the task at hand until you finish it. I am telling you, if you can eleminate the distractions around and focus, you will belong to an elite.

Focus is the number one problem for most people, particularly business owners. I challenge you or I dare you to commit to finishing the projects you started working on and abandoned. You will feel really good and proud of yourself.

Press on!


Friday, April 28, 2006

Why Aren't You Successful Yet?

Now, this is a question that should cause to pause and think for a moment. Really, why aren't you successful yet? As you might already know, I am one of the most qualified people on this planet to ask you this question. Why? Well, here's why...

I started in extreme poverty in a tiny and impoverished village in Haiti. I was a very desperate child. Today, I am living my dreams in America. I enjoy the best life has to offer. If you want more info, pick up a copy of my book "Kick Your Excuses Goodbye."

Okay, this is not to push my book on you. No. I have thousands from around the world whose lives have been transformed by the book. They are doing enough to promote it. This is rather about YOU. Yes, I mean YOU.

Have you ever taken a moment to really think what's stopping you from succeeding? You see, you have the power to choose which direction you are heading. But you have to know which direction first before you can change it.

What I mean is this: You can choose to change the habits that are keeping you away from your dreams. CHANGE them now! No one will ever be able to change your situation. Only you can do it. Just do it. Do it now. Yes! Now! Change! Change!

Oh, maybe you have a bunch of excuses why you can't do something to change the way things are for you. How about pick it up a copy of Kick Your Excuses Goodbye? I promise it will help you significantly.

Everything I did to elevate myself from diseases and poverty in Haiti to being a success in America is in the book. I held nothing back. You can to it, too.

Rene Godefroy

Monday, April 10, 2006

Attention Entrepreneurs: Beware Before Bringing a Partner on Board

I want to quickly post this to let many of you reading this blog know that you have to be very careful when it comes to entering into a business partnership with others.

Partnership in business is like entering into a marriage. At first, everything seems to be perfect. We like and tolerate each other. We put our best behavior up front. Even if the partner did something out of the ordinary, we try to reason that it's a mistake.

Well, once the law of familiarity sets in, suddenly we begin to discover that we don't really want to put up with the behaviors we used to nicely put up with. Your partner now has more demands. They want you to do this or that. In fact, many times it appears as if no matter how much of yourself you pour into the business relationship, it's never enough.

Soon or later, one partner begins to suggest the other to sell out his or her shares. Now, I'm not saying that partnership never works out. You should know that you will never be able to succeed without a team. But I am trying to caution you to know what to expect.

And also, I want to be aware that going into business with a best friend or family members is usually not a good idea. The key is to go into business with a partner who is very competent in the areas that you are weak. And to make sure everything is done by the book. Don't jump in based on a handshake. Get the attorney to sign the papers.

Business is business. There's nothing personal here. You want to make sure everyone is accountable and committed. Partenership is a shared responsibility.

Don't just use your emotion. Use your brain as well.

Press on!

Rene Godefroy, Author of
Kick Your Excuses Goodbye

Monday, April 03, 2006

Entrepreneurship is No For The Timid

One of the subscribers of my motivational newsletter wrote about how he has a great invention. But sometimes he feels so discouraged. And I wrote back:

In the last article I wrote, I said that if you and I are not failing, our chances of ever succeeding are slim to none. In life there are no guarantees. If everyone knew for a fact that a certain action would guarantee a certain result, more people would be willing to step out.

If I were you, I would definitely take the trip to Florida. After all, you have nothing to lose. In fact, you have everything to gain. Each time to meet with a so-called investor or potential partner, you learn news ways to make better presentation for your product.

Many of the people who want to come on board with you will turn out to be nothing but talkers. But how do you weed out the talkers? Well, it's hard. Some people can really talk a good game. They can deceive you as well.

But you see, life is a numbers game. In order to win, you have to play the numbers. You can't expect to meet one person with all the answers and money to help you. It would be too easy. And trust me, that one ideal person is lost in a sea of up-to-no-good people. Your job is to start going through those people immediately until to get to the one who really can help you.

And so, if you are not experiencing disappointments at some level, you are not making progress. Having said that, I think you should go to Florida to meet with the guy. And you might take the time to visit with your friend and enjoy the sunshine. Who knows, maybe you are due for a vacation. The guy may turn out to be what you are looking for or he may waste your time. Again, you just never know.

If you study the lives of the greats such as Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and countless others, you will realize how touch it was for them starting out. They, too, had to go through the same challenges you are going through with your invention. But they never give up. They keep knocking on doors. If they didn’t, you would have never heard of their names.

I want to encourage you to never give up or be discouraged. You are much closer than you might imagine. Keep running the race. Keep meeting with people. Yes, others may think that you are crazy. They might even ridicule you behind your back. But do not let that deter you. Life only rewards those who deserve to be rewarded.

Dare to press on my friend and believe you can and you will!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Christian Speaker

Just for the records, I am a Christian speaker. Of course I don't preach when I am on the platform. After all, I get paid big money to boost morale in the corporate arena. I am sure the person writing the check would not appreciate me having church in their organization.

But what I mostly want to say is that I respect everyone's faith. Although it would be of great concerns to me if your belief is destructive to you and those around you. We are not here to make life miserable to anyone. Our job is to leave this place knowing we have made a positive contribution in other people's lives.

As a christian motivational speaker, I believe me must have compassion and humility. Those are the great characteristics of Christ. And so, I don't want to condemn anyone nor do I want anyone to condemn me. I don't want to appolize for my faith either.

It obvious no matter what our views are when it comes to religion, we inevitable will offend someone. I am sure someone will happen to come accross this and feel insulted. But intention is everything. It's not in my nature to offend others.

There you have it my friend. I just answer the question so many from all over are asking me. I am a Christian. And I aim to love all people regardless of their faith, backgrounds and color. Everyone has some basic goodness in him or her. Our first premise should always be to tap into that basic goodness.

Press on!

The Secret to Being Wildly Successful

Now, I am going to be brutally honest with you. If you are not enjoying some kind of success in your life, something is mighty wrong. Everyone has to be successful at something. It is in our nature to thrive.

My question to you is: Why aren't you successsful? What's stopping you?

If you don't know the answer, I guess I can help you figure it out. YOU are afraid. Fear is holding you back. Simply put, you are not taking enough risks. You have being playing it safe for too long. Every player, no matter what game they are in, knows that in order to score, they have risk being hurt.

So, decide right now that you are going to do something you are afraid of. And be willing to be hurt, disappointed and rejected. If fact, I want to congratulate you ahead of time. The very fact that you step out and do something that you are afraid of puts you in an elite group.

Go ahead, step out and dare to do what most people would not have the guts to do.

Well, my friend I just share with the secret to being wildly successful. Let me repeatly it for you so that you can really think about it. The secret is.... Take risks and do what you are afraid of.

Press on!

P.S. If you are still not sure what to do to get what you want, check out my book Kick Your Excuses Goodbye. It will be the biggest wake up call you will ever get in your life.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Kick Your Excuses is Doing Excellently Well

Many thanks to everyone who bought my book Kick Your Excuses Goodbye. Wow! What an awesome privilege to share the ideas and strategies that have shaped my life over the years with others from all around the world.

It's an honor to be a light in the middle of their darkness. I remember when I was living in a total dark corridor in an impoverished village in Haiti, I really didn't know my life would be what it is today. But along the way, many loving souls showed up and light up the way for me.

Today, I am happy to return the favor. I am happy to be a catalyst for change. Those of you who have not red the book, I highly encourage you to pick up a copy. I gotta tell you that money is not what's keeping anyone from reading Kick Your Excuses Goodbye.

Based on all the letters and emails I received from people from around the world, I can tell you that one cannot put a price tag on the book. Here's a classic example: Yolanda read my book and finally made the decision to enter law school. Now, how much you think that is worth? Priceless.

This is my whole point. I hope you join forces with you and encourage your friends and family members to read the book. Who knows, one day they might call you their hero.

I wish you incredible success on your journey.

Press on!

Rene Godefroy